Beatbox Complete. English Edition : Sounds, Patterns, Styles

Andreas Kuch

Verlag: Helbling Verlag Gmbh Jul 2016, 2016
ISBN 10: 3862272478 / ISBN 13: 9783862272471
Neu / Taschenbuch / Anzahl: 0
Verkäufer AHA-BUCH GmbH (Einbeck, Deutschland)
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Neuware - The definitive book on beatboxing by the renowned beatbox performers and coaches Indra Tedjasukmana and Andreas Kuch.Need a bite-size drum kit and percussion section No instruments are required to achieve stylistic fluency with this book! It offers an easy and hands-on approach to the basics of beatboxing and is the ideal tool for classroom practice and self-study. All important beatbox sounds are explained with examples from various music styles, stretching from rock and ballads to hip-hop and Latin music.ContentsBasic beatboxing techniques and soundsPatterns and fills in four styles: rock, ballads, hip-hop, and Latin musicTandem beatboxing: patterns for two or more beatboxersBeatbox solo works: demanding solo pieces for impressive performancesA special chapter on microphonesA chapter devoted to optimizing your practicing routines and finding new soundsThe enclosed DVD contains 93 video clips, which explain the beatbox sounds and patterns. Demonstrations by the authors teach sounds, rhythms, and styles. Performances of the solo pieces offer authentic examples and creative impulses for your own interpretations.The audio part of the DVD contains 32 audio loops and play-alongs in different styles, which act as groovy soundtracks to practice beatboxing and will help you develop a varied beatbox repertoire.This book is ideal forTeachers who want to inspire their students, and vice versaChoir directors, choirs, and vocal ensembles who want to add a new dimension to their musicDrummers, singers, beatmakers, DJs, MCs, and all other fans of groove. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 9783862272471

Bibliografische Details

Titel: Beatbox Complete. English Edition : Sounds, ...
Verlag: Helbling Verlag Gmbh Jul 2016
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016
Einband: Taschenbuch
Zustand: Neu

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