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  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Literature, Works, Comenius University in Bratislava (Comenius University), language: English, abstract: This essay is meant to give some sort of introduction into topics female Muslim writers are responsible for at the moment. It offers some sort of overview on important female Muslim novelists whose works significantly feature female perspectives of women's themes which range from matters of gender roles, patriarchal structures, life under Islam and Sharia law, emancipation or one of the key elements, hybrid existence. The essay starts with some general notes before it moves on with a closer analysis of the hybrid. It ends with some sort of outlook where female Muslim writing might head to. The bibliography at the end lists up recommended literature by the author of this text.

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    Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2017 in the subject Didactics - English - Literature, Works, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, language: English, abstract: Since 9/11 many Muslims struggle with their identity and are exposed to xenophobia, violence, vicious defamation, harassment or displacement. In short the notion 'Muslim' in relation to that day has become a stigma. It is against this background and the post-traumatic aftermath of September 11, 2001 where many novelists disposing of a Muslim background wrote their novels. The logical consequence from this was that Muslim writing as such has become more complex stressing the standpoints of hearer and teller as elements of distortion. Interesting though is the fact that some novels dealing with Islam and Muslim characters have taken up and used the Oriental stereotypes where Muslims are - according to Said - seen as 'either oil suppliers or potential terrorists'. For a long time Muslim characters in literature have been connected to this negative image which Said also labels as 'other' and Spivak as 'subaltern'. The 'hybrid' in which many Muslim characters are often set is also (still) equated with the 'exotic' thus ignoring the energy of Bhabha' s term and its positive realizations in fiction. It is therefore one aim of this essay to throw light on this matter and to shortly reflect the present influence of 9/11 on Muslim writing.

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    Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Anglistik - Literatur, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der englische Roman des 20. Jahrhunderts kann in vielen Bereichen als Fortsetzung des 19.Jahrhunderts gelten, da wichtige Elemente wie Struktur und Themenvielfalt übernommen und integriert wurden.Dabei kristallisierten sich Realismus und Naturalismus als seine beiden Hauptströmungen heraus (Bradbury, 1973, S. 175).1Dennoch setzen parallel zu dieser Eingliederung bekannter Elemente stilistische und themenmäßige Neuerungen ein, die völlig neue Facetten und Strömungen in den Roman als literarischem Genre implantieren.2So begann etwa mit den Werken von Joseph Conrad eine bisher unbekannte Illusionskritik, die durch die Überlagerung der erzählten Geschichte durch Erzählvorgang und Interpretationsverhalten dem Roman völlig neue Wege eröffnete (Seeber, 1999, S. 317).Psychologie und Existentialismus verschafften sich ebenfalls zunehmend einen literarischen Zugang und fanden ihre wohl intellektuellste Verwendung bei Virginia Wolf und James Joyce.[.]1 Neben Realismus und Naturalismus als literarische Strömungen verweist die Forschung immer wieder auf die Strömung des Postmodernismus als wichtigem Ansatz. So spricht Lodge (1992) im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung des modernen englischen Romans zwischen Dokumentation, Realismus und Postmodernismus von einem 'supermarket of styles' (ebd., S. 209). Broich (1993) konstatierte für Großbritannien einen gedämpften Postmodernismus`, da der englische Roman - von der langen Tradition des realistischen Erzählens herkommend - nur sporadisch modernistische Einflüsse zulässt. Daraus entwickelt sich für Zerweck (2007) ein heterogener Ansatz, den er auch als Sammelbegriff für gegensätzliche kulturelle Phänomene aus verschiedenen Kontexten ansieht.2 Zur Kontinuität der Romanentwicklung zwischen 19. und 20. Jahrhundert vgl. bes. Schirmer/Esch, (1973, S. 345). Seeber (1999) spricht bezüglich des Verhaftetsein im 19. Jahrhundert von einem 'außerordentlichen Beharrungsvermögen' des Romans des 19. Jahrhunderts, der oft nur 'moderne Themen' wie Sexualität, Entfremdung oder eine gestörte zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation integrierte (ebd., S. 309). Einen historisch-politisch geprägten Ansatz verfolgt Firdous (1993). Für ihn ist der Roman ein 'carrier of bourgeois ideology' (ebd., S. 26), weil für ihn die Entwicklung des Romans besonders im 19. Jahrhundert an den europäischen Kolonialismus gekoppelt ist und er für ihn 'imperial messages enthält' (ebd., S. 30/32). Vgl. hierzu auch Moon (1963).

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2016 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, Comenius University in Bratislava (Englische Literatur), language: English, abstract: This book is basically a going back to the roots of female writing at the beginning of the 20th century. Although female characters by then had found a fixed place within the English speaking novel most of them represented the classical role of women within class ridden British society where women basically speaking had an inferior role to men, culturally, socially and academically.The early beginnings of female writing in the sense of a more feminist approach can be set before and after the First World War. This goes for the British, the American and - as in the case here - also for the colonial background. The first female feminist writers were pioneers in the sense that they broke with traditional gender roles and thus challenged the anti-female reality of Western and Islamic societies.Begum Rokheya Sakhawat Hossain's book Sultana's Dream (1905) and Charlotte Perkin's science fiction concept of a female society must therefore be taken as frontrunners of modern feminist thinking and writing and as a criticism of existing male structures which considered the female to be below the male. It goes without saying that Sultana's Dream is the more radical approach to describe a world without men since the author herself was much more stuck within an anti-female surrounding and the book would never ever have been published without the tolerant husband of the author who supported his wife in her writing.Thus the choice to use the dream as a basic narrative background enabled the author to move around more freely.Herland (1909) on the contrary uses classical parts like the utopian mixed with science fiction elements. Although both novels must be seen against their specific background - here Western, there Islamic - they do have one major element in common. The talk is about the idea of a world where the female reigns and which is more human than its male counterpart. This includes social criticism as well as a cultural and religious one and the hope that in the long run both forces, the female and the male, could live in more harmony than in the past, be it in the West or the East.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Orientalistik / Sinologie - Islamwissenschaft, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Autoren/-innen mit islamischem Hintergrund werden mittlerweile (zu Recht) als die aktivste und einflussreichste Autorengruppe des gegenwärtigen englischsprachigen Romans angesehen. Eines ihrer Hauptverdienste ist dabei die Einführung des Islam in den Roman, sodass die klassischen Themenfelder wie race, class und gender durch einen klassischen Ansatz von religion als Identitätsmarker ergänzt wurden. Islamisch geprägte Autoren repräsentieren nicht nur die quantitativ größte Einwanderergruppe Großbritanniens, sondern sie stehen in direkter Konkurrenz zu britischen Autoren, deren Einfluss sie stark zurückdrängen konnten.Damit haben sie den alten kolonialen Ansatz 'They cannot represent themselves, they must be represented'' nicht nur ad absurdum geführt, sondern deutlich gemacht, dass die Verwendung des Religionsbegriffs aktuelle Bezüge hat. Die Einführung des Islam hat in den letzten 25 Jahren eine Entwicklung genommen, die mit dem Begriff cross fertilization'' treffend umschrieben werden kann. Gemeint ist hier einerseits die Verwendung des Islam als eines innerem inneren literarischem literarischen Paradigmas sowie sein Einfluss auf die Konstruktion des Religionsbegriffs im Roman selbst. Beide Strömungen sind unmittelbar an das gekoppelt, was unter narrative zu verstehen ist, wobei das Ziel dieser Überlappung eine Art generischer Überblick über die Entwicklung des gegenwärtigen Romans islamischer Prägung bildet.Wird die aktuelle Entwicklung eher von einer kritischen Handhabung von Islam und Islamismus gerade durch Autorinnen wie Nadeem Aslam, Tahmima Anam oder Leila Aboudeila geprägt, so gilt dies nur bedingt für Autoren der ersten Stunde wie Salman Rushdie oder Hanif Kureishi. Beide konzentrierten sich bei der Verwendung von Islam und islamischem Fundamentalismus auf klassische literarische Bereiche wie character analysis, character constellation' oder point of view und sie hinterfragen von hier die Bedeutung von Religion. Kureishi fällt dennoch neben Rushdie eine herausragende Rolle zu, da seine Romane Hybridität und Zerrissenheit in den Mittelpunkt stellen, ein Thema, das sich bis heute gehalten hat und somit als zentrales Anliegen islamischer Autoren gelten kann.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2014 in the subject Politics - Topic: Globalization, Political Economics, , language: English, abstract: Despite its obvious importance, the relationship between globalization, migration and religion is a fairly neglected phenomenon in scientific research.The religion of Islam is amongst the world religions to be hit the hardest by globalization processes. At the same time, more radical forms of Islam, in the shape of fundamentalism, seem to gain more and more influence in the West as well as in the Arabic world. In Great Britain, migration movements after World War II proved that Muslims are still not integrated in British society. Most Muslims still ask themselves the question 'Are we Muslims in Britain or are we British Muslims 'This dilemma increased after 9/11 and 2005 and opened the doors for the radical ideas simply because Islam serves well to provide identity in a diaspora situation.This essay tries to show how globalization, migration and Islam are interwoven and in how far British society is threatened by fundamentalism which still hinders a dialogue on both sides.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2018 in the subject American Studies - Literature, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Anglistik), language: English, abstract: The traditional literary coverage of border and frontier in American and Canadian literature has always been closely linked to war, survival, trauma, trauma time, immigration as well as exile and has re-gained interest of many contemporary writers and critics after 9/11.Since that date both terms have been discussed on a collective, national or individual level thus throwing light on the manifold consequences of this new interpretation of the complex term border which is of special interest here.The literary dealing with border and its consequences in El Akkad's novel American War (2017) must yet be seen in a close relationship between border and war. The incorporation of war into English speaking literature itself has a long tradition since wars as such form ideal literary backgrounds for plot, character development or political criticism. In times of civil uproar, political insecurity, outer enemies or ongoing wars this incorporation of war as a literary means has always been present. This is recently perhaps best shown by the events of 9/11. They have not only taken American literature out from its long involvement in local matters such as family, village or town but pushed it into new directions which formed completely new types of novels such as the 9/11 Novel, the post-9/11 Novel or Ground Zero Fiction where war gained a new dimension which is so different from war literature of the First World War, the Second World War or the Vietnam War.In many cases this literary coverage of 9/11 has mostly remained in American families or matters and it lacked an appropriate coverage of foreign perspectives.EI Akkad's novel American War (2017) exactly fits into this background not only because it is written by an author originating from a Muslim background it also brings the topic war back to America to discuss it here. This is new and radical in the sense that readers suddenly are confronted with problems such as war, terrorism, suicide bombers or chemical warfare which so far have been placed on foreign battlegrounds.El Akkad combines two main trends of Muslim writing which are characterized by bringing the narration into the West or by taking it back into the former colonies. By choosing a civil war as the setting for his novel he mixes both trends while importing terror back to the USA which is to blame for it.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2015 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, Comenius University in Bratislava (Anglistik/Amerikanistik), language: English, abstract: Monica Ali's novel Brick Lane (2003) marked her literary breakthrough. Ali hereby followed the tradition of Salman Rushdie and Hanif Kureishi who had placed Islam back into the English speaking novel thus showing that the contemporary English novel is (still) heavily influenced by migrant writers coming from the former colonies. These writers share a double vision of England simply because they are insiders and outsiders at the same time. Their characters therefore are very convincing and they introduce Islam to the (Western) reader, a religion which for such a long time has been presented in a stereotyped and thus negative way.Ali -like Rushdie and Kureshi - also uses London as the place of action and thus uses the literary concept of the 'postcolonial city'. Her description of the integration of a Muslim woman into British society also follows the notion of the 'condition of England novel' which confronts outer developments with human value.Ali's main achievement, however, lies in her image of a Muslim woman who picks up the West as a chance. Ali here differs from male Muslim writers who too often confront the reader with the failure of their (male) characters.It is exactly here where Ali's concept of a Muslim woman seems to have been a frontrunner for other Muslim writers to follow. Writers like Leila Abdoulela (Minaret 2005), Tahmima Anam (A Golden Age 2007); The Good Muslim 2011), Fadia Faquir (My Name is Salma 2007) followed Ali in their presentation oft he female thus showing a different kind of female Muslim identity.

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  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2021 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Literature, Works, Comenius University in Bratislava (Philosophische Fakultät), language: English, abstract: Canada for many people is considered to be an ideal country to live in. Unspoiled nature, friendly people, a booming industry, an astonishingly convincing kind of immigration politics and democratic governments are all parts of the so called 'Canadian mosaique' which create the image of a paradise north of the United States of America. A closer look at Canadian history does, however, present a different and more neglected side. Historical events like the conquest by the French or the British are two examples of how Europeans treated the First Nations for their own sake, a treatment whose negative consequences can still be seen today. Or the sacrifice of nature for economical interests which has amounted in environmental exploitation or disasters like the Exxon Valdez catastrophe in 1989 next to the toxic consequences of tar sand industry in Alberta. The treatment of children and teenagers and their sexual abuse which go by the catchphrase of 'The Duplessis Orphans' already hint at the topic of Joy Kogawa's novel Obasan which was first published in 1981 namely the mistreatment of people of Asian background who did not have public support. The destiny of Japanese-Canadian citizens which is portrayed here reflects another dark chapter of Canadian history during World War Two, the mistreatment of an ethnic minority after the attacks on the American Fleet in Pearl Harbour on December 7th, 1941. The novel does not only destroy the constructed image of a friendly encounter between East and West but also shows how we treat human beings of another culture in a seemingly open and democratic society.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Didaktik für das Fach Englisch - Literatur, Werke, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die gegenwärtige Entwicklung des englischsprachigen Romans wird entscheidend von Autorinnen/Autoren mit Migrationshintergrund geprägt. Innerhalb dieser Gruppierung kann die Anzahl und der Einfluss von Schriftstellern mit islamischen Wurzeln als sehr groß, wenn nicht als zentral angesehen werden. Namen wie Rushdie, Kureishi, Ali, Aslam Anam, Faqir, Perera, Shamsil oder Hosseini sind aus der gegenwärtigen Debatte und der Entwicklung des Romans als wichtigstem literarischen Genre der Gegenwart nicht mehr wegzudenken und verweisen zu Recht auf die Bedeutung und den Stellenwert dieser Gruppierung. Von ihrer Position herkommend haben sie -logischerweise- ihren kulturellen und religiösen Hintergrund in Aufbau und Struktur ihrer Werke implantiert. Islam und islamischer Fundamentalismus wurden und werden von ihnen u.a. dazu benutzt um plot und characterization zu gestalten.Die vorliegende Untersuchung vergleicht in diesem Rahmen zwei (auf den ersten Blick) unterschiedliche Werke, die eine literarische Umsetzung (Updike) und eine autobiografische Analyse des radikalen Islams (Husain) zum Gegenstand haben. Das verbindende Element beider Bücher liegt genau in der Präsentation und Analyse von Islamismus und Fundamentalismus und ihrem Einfluss auf die Charakteranalyse. Die unterschiedliche geografische Ansiedlung (hier die USA, dort Großbritannien) verweist nicht nur auf den Einfluss des radikalen Islams an unterschiedlichen Orten, sondern muss als Indiz dafür genommen werden, dass sich die radikal islamische Form von Religiosität perfekt und vielfach in den gegenwärtigen englischsprachigen Roman einbauen lässt, auch wenn die Romanentwicklung hier zwei konträre Wege vorschlägt (bei Updike Einstieg in terroristische Aktivitäten eines US Amerikaners, bei Husain Einstieg und Ausstieg aus der Radikalität).Ein weiterer zentraler Ansatz, beide Werke zu vergleichen, liegt sicherlich im Hintergrund der Autoren, die einen westlichen resp. einen islamischen Hintergrund haben. Das ermöglicht nicht nur einen Vergleich in der literarischen Umsetzung, sondern betont die Wichtigkeit der Thematik für westliche Autoren, die sich bis jetzt nur zögernd mit dieser Problematik auseinandergesetzt haben.

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  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Anglistik - Literatur, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Mohsin Hamids Roman The Reluctant Fundamentalist beschäftigt sich - wie die meisten Romane islamischer Autoren - mit den Themen Globalisierung, Migration, der Rolle des Islam in der modernen Weltgemeinschaft, dem Leben von Musliminnen und Muslimen in der Diaspora und der Frage islamischer Identität. Daneben beinhaltet dieses Werk aber eine geografische Neuerung zu Rushdie, Kureishi und Ali, die als Ergänzung angesehen werden muss. Hamid verlagert den Handlungsort abwechselnd zwischen Amerika und Pakistan. Damit gelingt ihm nicht nur die Beschreibung des Innen- und Außenlebens seiner Hauptperson Changez und eine genauere Betrachtung seines Hybridseins, sondern der Leser bekommt dadurch einen anderen Zugang zur Thematik des Fundamentalismus. Man wird gegen Ende des Romans mit der Frage konfrontiert, wer fundamentalistischer ist, der Islam militanter Prägung oder der US Kapitalismus. Auf dem Weg zu einer Antwort macht Mohsin (wie alle anderen hier vorgestellten Autorinnen und Autoren) deutlich, dass die Frage nach der Identität des Menschen nach wie vor die zentrale Thematik für Moslems im Westen ist. Als Option - und das ist neu - bietet er dem Heimkehrer Changez die langsame und sorgfältige Rückkehr zu den religiösen und spirituellen Wurzeln des Islam an. Damit zeigt er deutlicher als Rushdie, Kureishi oder Ali, dass Hybridität nicht immer funktioniert und eine Rückbesinnung auf die eigenen kulturellen und religiösen Wurzeln eine Reaktion auf das Leben im Westen mit seiner Westerness oder der Verwirklichung des American Dream sein kann.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Didaktik - Englisch - Literatur, Werke, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Joyce Carys Gesamtwerk steht literarisch und inhaltlich an der Schnittstelle zwischen ausgehendem 19. und beginnendem 20. Jahrhundert. Diese Position wird besonders in seinen Afrikaromanen, sowie in seinen drei Trilogien deutlich, auch wenn die dritte nicht fertig gestellt werden konnte. Das verbindende Element all seiner Romane liegt in der Funktion des Zeitkolorits, das für Cary eine zentrale Erzählfunktion hatte. Für die Afrikaromane ist dies der britische Kolonialismus und die darin beinhaltete Konzeption des Empire. Für die beiden fertiggestellten Trilogien ist dies die Umwandlung der englischen Nation von einer Kolonialmacht zu einem (kleinen) europäischen Staat(I.Trilogie). Die äußerlichen Veränderungen üben hierbei einen großen Einfluss auf die Charaktere und hier besonders auf die Hauptperson Gulley aus. Noch deutlicher wird die Bedeutung des Zeitkolorits in der II.Tritlogie, da die gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen und der Einfluss des Liberalismus sehr eng an die Charakteranalyse gebunden sind. Liberalismus und Moral sind folglich die beiden Aspekte, die bei einer Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Zeitkolorits eine zentrale Funktion ausüben und deshalb in dieser Untersuchung eine Schlüsselfunktion einnehmen.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Anglistik - Literatur, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die gegenwärtige postkoloniale Literatur wird vor allem von Autorinnen/ Autoren mit einem islamischen Hintergrund geprägt.In der Vergangenheit schrieb diese Gruppe in der Rahmenkonstellation 'center - periphery' aus der Perspektive der Migration über das Leben von Moslems im Westen. Dennoch war es aufgrund aktueller Entwicklungen nur eine Frage der Zeit bis der Handlungsort wieder in die Heimatländer verlegt wurde, um von hier die zentralen Begriffe des Romans wie plot oder character development neu zu akzentuieren.Es war in diesem Zusammenhang besonders die Autorengruppe die zur neueren Entwicklung der 'Pakistani Fiction' gezählt werden müssen, die hier am innovativsten waren und sind und neben Pakistan vor allem Afghanistan als Handlungsort heraushoben, um hier menschliche Schicksale an Krieg und Terror zu binden und zu reflektieren.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Literature, Works, Comenius University in Bratislava (Englische Literatur), language: English, abstract: The intention of this essay is to give one important literary reflection of how female Muslim existence is presented in the contemporary English speaking novel. The choice to concentrate on a female Muslim author results from the fact that (female) Muslim writing at the moment represents one of the strongest and most influential movements of writers coming from an Islamic background. It is novelists like Bapsi Sidhwa, Qaisra Sharaz, Umera Ahmad, Kamila Shamsie, Sara Suleri or Monica Ali who have shown in their writings that most publications of female writers seem to present their characters in a more convincing and more multiple way than their male counterparts.The structure of this essay is as follows. The beginning will consist of some sort of background information which will cover fields all of which will help to understand the background these writers (and their characters) come from. This literary analysis therefore starts with a (critical) reflection of Muslim writing. This will then be followed by an excursion on the concept of hybridity under an Islamic focus because female hyprid existence in the West is the central parameter chosen here.This essay will be followed by a closer analysis of Fadia Faquir's novel My name is Salma (2007) in order to give an example of female Muslim existence in the West and in the East. It is exactly this span of two opposing worlds which finally brings about the main character's failure and death.The end of this essay then will result in some sort of outlook where female Muslim writing might head to.

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    Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2017 in the subject Literature - Canada, , course: Englische Literatur, language: English, abstract: In the past four decades the literary reflection of Muslim life in East and West has been characterized by the West with skewed perceptions of Islam and Muslim existence.The events of 9/11 and its aftermath have worsened the traditional negative and stereotyped perception and treatment of Islam. The consequence from this was a negative treatment of Muslim existence by Western and Muslim writers alike. Many novelists disposing of a Muslim background were and (still) are trapped in the negative notion of 'the clash of civilizations' which is so often embedded in many novels be it in the presentation of the characters or simply a negative portrayal of the Muslim world.In contrast to many migrant writers with a British background who are labelled in terms such as 'Postcolonial', 'Migrant Writing', 'British Muslim Fiction', 'Muslim Narrative Writing' or 'Muslim Writing' American and Canadian based Muslim writers face a harder position since they are (historically, culturally and literarily speaking) not that deeply established as their British counterparts. This is partly due to the fewer number of writers and the shorter period of their literary presentation and a (logical) shorter literary tradition resulting from this.Open questions emerging from this here are if critics and readers alike see Islamic English literature as being literature written by Americans or Canadians or if it is basically Muslim or Islamic It goes without saying that fiction is not only a reflection of reality but also a mode of tearing down the above mentioned stereotypes of Muslim existence as such. It is interestingly speaking matters of identity which function as key elements of 'Muslim Writing' in Britain, America and Canada a clear indication for the fact that treatment and representations of Muslims have not only been neglected so far but also offer a wide field of possibilities.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Academic Paper from the year 2019 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Miscellaneous, University of Marburg, language: English, abstract: While picking up foreign languages teenagers all over the world are directly (or indirectly) confronted with environmental issues. Ecological matters and problems are not only presented and discussed in non-fictional but also in fictional texts, a clear hint at their relevance. It is here where personal interests, experience and expectations often meet with a high emotional energy which supports language learning. The use of environmental issues in teenage fiction can be regarded to be a positive by- product of reading in the sense of a further motivation or a challenge to reflect fixed and traditional attitudes. One consequence from this is what some critics consider to be 'ethic thinking' or an 'option of kids' participation of their own opinions, attitudes or value systems' all of which are focused on something which is seen as environmental learning in the widest sense of the word (see movement Fridays For Future started by Greta Thunberg).Books for early learners can be seen as starting points for this development and the confrontation with these problems in teenage fiction is one form of introduction into ecological learning. Pupils between 12 and 13 years of age already dispose of an attitude in connection to environmental issues and to discover, discuss and present them in a literary Canadian context can be considered to be a further motivation for their future reading habits. To choose a book set in the region of the Vancouver Islands is based against this background. The work will be done with the help of several projects which accompany the analysis of The Secret of Whispering Island simply because of the higher motivation for the students involved. The work will first be done in individual web quest work which is accompanied by group work and an exchange of selected material. The projects themselves are based on given questions (2 - 3) which should help students to focus on specific matters. It is also important to leave it open to students what the output of their results will look like. The range here includes posters for presentations, power point presentations, essays, newspaper articles or the option of a website. In short students here should / could be creative.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Study from the year 2021 in the subject American Studies - Linguistics, , language: English, abstract: Matters of ethics and morality have always had a fixed place in crime writing since solving cases like murders is embedded between decision making processes which are bound between good and bad. To focus and reflect ethic and moral decisions and to place them within the policeforce itself is, however, uncommon in crime writing since the policeforces represent the status quo of the state. Corrupt policemen or 'bad cops' are (still) the exception and to set good and bad policemen against each other is still some sort of taboo in this genre since good and bad are normally set between criminals and the police.Both analysed novels hereby 'How the Light Gets In' (2013) by Louise Penny and 'A Deadly Divide' (2019) by Ausma Zehanat Khan, however, are concerned with this topic and show that contemporary Canadian crime writers do include these matters into their work.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Essay from the year 2022 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, University of Marburg (Marburger Zentrum für Kanada-Studien), course: Journeys Across B/Orders in Canadian Studies, Marburg, 2022, language: English, abstract: This topic was also held as a lecture at the international conference 'Journeys across B/Orders in Canadian Studies' at Marburg University in June ,2022.Life of Muslims in Canada has drastically been changed by the events of 9/11 and the Anti-terrorism Act of December 18th, 2001 which created new and static ethnic, cultural and religious borders ¿ both visible and invisible ¿ between Muslim communities and the ROC. It is exactly here where the group of Canadian Muslim writers (writers stemming from Muslim countries but now living and working in Canada) have tried to bring Islam and Muslim existence in the West closer to Canadian society while reflecting on what Larissa Lai calls a 'politics and poetics of relation'.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Essay from the year 2023 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, University of Marburg (Marburg Centre for Canadian Studies), language: English, abstract: The manifold reflections of loss of home or migration are complex in the displacement histories and narratives because they contain difficult, untraceable journeys and experiences of immigrants and refugees involved. At present, this also concerns the largest religious community linked to massive migration movements worldwide ¿ the Muslims. All Muslim immigrants coming to Europe, Canada or the United States carry their national, cultural, religious and above all their personal past which taken together create an ideal basis for narrating their stories.Things are worse in their own way when people at present are trying to flee from Afghanistan since the Taliban came back to power in 2021. Most Afghan people trying to escape from their mothercountry carry classical colonial or postcolonial topics such as matters of loss, expulsion, displacement, border crossing, exile, diaspora and home. These are ¿ as in the case with female characters ¿ often linked to intolerance, gender injustice or the inferior role of women in the Muslim world, which at present can be seen in Iran as well.Nadia Hashemi¿s novel ¿When the Moon is Low¿ (2015) is set against this background and offers an impressive story of an Afghan family's escape from the Taliban governed Afghanistan through the eyes of the main character Fereiba Waziri. Fereiba is a bold Afghani woman who decides to leave her homecountry after her husband's assassination by Talibani radicals. Crossing transational boundaries, the novel is a description of the plight of contemporary migrants who are set between the crisis of displacement and emplacement, all told from a female perspective.

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  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Essay from the year 2023 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, , language: English, abstract: The manifold reflections of loss of home or migration are complex in the displacement histories and narratives because they contain difficult, untraceable journeys and experiences of immigrants and refugees involved. At present, this also concerns the largest religious community linked to massive migration movements worldwide ¿ Muslims. Most Muslim immigrants coming to Europe, Canada or the United States carry their national, cultural, religious and above all their personal past which taken together create an ideal basis for narrating their stories.Things are worse in their own way when people at present cannot leave Afghanistan after the Taliban came back into power in 2021. Most Afghan people trying to escape from their mother country carry classical colonial or postcolonial topics such as matters of loss, expulsion, displacement, border crossing, exile, diaspora and home. These are ¿ as in the case with female characters ¿ often linked to intolerance, gender injustice or the inferior role of women in the Muslim world, which at present can be seen in the ongoing protests against the Mullah regime in Iran as well.Nadia Hashimi's novel 'The Pearl That Broke Its Shell' (2014) is set against a different background, reflecting the necessity to stay in Afghanistan against a Sharia background. The narration centers around (among other women) two female characters named Shekiba and Rahima. Both are family members of different time periods whose female role and struggle is set against Afghanistan's historic, cultural and religious background. The novel in parts can be seen as a literay addition to Khaled Hossein's 'The Kite Runner' (2003) or Nadeem Aslam's 'The Wasted Vigil' (2008) since both novelists also place their characters into an Afghan background.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2023 in the subject Theology - Islamic theology, Leuven Catholic University, course: LEST XIV: 60 Years Vatican II: The End of the Western Church , language: English, abstract: Vatican II and its progressive declaration of the Roman Catholic Church in dealing with other religions, 'Nostra Aetate', meant a turning point for the traditional Christian ¿ non Christian relationship. This traditionally mostly negative relationship between the Catholic Church and other religions was now radically discussed anew and put on another scale with the aim of an improvement between all religions. A special focus hereby was put on a new approach with Judaism and above all Islam.The history between Islam and Christianity for centuries was accompanied by political and religious conflicts and wars, which were marked by the notions of jihad and crusade.It was in this antagonistic atmosphere where the famous four 'Cs' of the West (Conquest, Commerce, Civilization and Christianity) were followed by terrorism and fundamentalism on the Muslim side.Fundamental thinking, in fact, has not left the relationship between Islam and Christianity and the attitude to the West and Christianity in the Muslim world have turned to a more radical attitude since the Shah was overthrown in 1979 in Iran. One can take this date as the beginning of events such as 9/11, the Gulf Wars or the wars in Afghanistan and Syria where the Islamic State proclaimed a new and even more radical era between Islam and Christianity with the establishment of the caliphate, the geographical, political and religious expression of fundamental Islamic thinking.Things have not yet improved to the better since developments like globalization processes are presently challenging traditional religions with a tendency to fundamental thinking as the (seemingly) best adapted form of the religious in times of globalization and massive migration waves due to war, poverty, hunger or environment pollution.All these developments are constantly challenging the positive basis of an interreligious dialogue between Muslims and Christians, which during the last sixty years was marked by progress and regression on both sides alike.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2024 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Other, , language: English, abstract: This paper concentrates on two diasporic Iranian writers and their memories in order to show how their personal experience can be understood and read as a kind of self-orientalisation and purgary of their own lives. It is these two personal stories which unfold an intensive grip on the reader while also leaving space for a generalisation of the terrible situation of the many Muslim women who have to struggle daily.For centuries East and West have been interested in understanding, discussing and criticising each other's religions, cultures and ways of life ¿ both with suspicion and curiosity alike. Of special interest for both sides in past and present can be seen in matters of gender dichotomy since the West too often (above others) focused on the exclusion of female members of society from the public spheres whereas Eastern representatives heavily criticised female emancipation processes in the West which were seen as steps to destroy traditional family structures. One result from this was a stereotyped picture of Muslim women as obedient, silent or abused victims of patriarchal structures originating in an Islamic past.This picture of the female has interestingly changed over the last decades, especially in the aftermath of 9/11 when more and more female authors from the Middle East literarily speaking un-veiled and dismantled these stereotyped concepts of all female. The protests in Iran in 2022 after the death of Jina Maahsa Amini on September 16th can therefore be considered to be the preliminary highlight of this new development within Iran which so far considered itself to be the perfect Islamic state erected following the throwover of the Shah in 1979.The new group of Muslim female writers (so to speak novelists disposing of an Islamic background) at home or abroad started a new trend of hundreds of publications which included various presentations of female Muslim life of Arab, African or - as in our case ¿ an Iranian background. Most of these novels were, however, written from an exile position, thus throwing light on female characters where past and present were interwoven from a new home. It is exactly this in-between-ness of now and then where female self-orientation and re-orienatation are placed ¿ glued together by memory as a central element of narration.

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  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Literature - Middle East, , language: English, abstract: Azadeh Moaveni' s novel 'Lipstick Jihad' (2005) is a typical novel of female Muslim writers disposing of a Muslim and Western background. This (double) insight into two seemingly opposing worlds enables author and reader alike to get a deeper insight into Muslim characters who are often torn between these two extremes which many Muslim authors describe as a personal dilemma in form of a jihad. Jihad here is used it its basic meaning which corresponds a personal struggle based on a Muslim background (here the Iranian diasporic situation in the USA) which is accompanied by the nostalgia for and belonging to Iran as a homeland.The hybrid which is a result from this and which is so typical for Muslim writing of the second generation in general is also reflected in 'Reading Lolita in Tehran' (2004) the second novel analysed here. This 'hybrid condition' is strongly reflected in the personal, cultural and religious odyssey most Muslim characters experience. This especially goes for women since they are still portrayed in their inferior role.The common basis of both novels can therefore be seen in the influence of the Iranian setting in general and the role of the Iranian Revolution and the emerging Iranian Republic in particular which both strongly shaped this nation and her inhabitants while also throwing light on the (mostly difficult) life in Iran.It is also this specific situation of Iran which many female authors use as a setting which disposes of a dramatic background which is used as an underlying dramatic element for the narration as such.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2016 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, Comenius University in Bratislava, language: English, abstract: It has now been fifteen years since America and the world were hit by a terror attack of a new and unknown quality. The Muslim terrorists belonging to Bin Laden's terror network Al- Qaida who hijacked several planes to use them as lethal weapons against America and her symbolic role as the country of freedom and democracy started a new era of political, social and religious uproar and chaos inexperienced so far.This chaos expressed itself not only in the Gulf Wars that were to follow or the ongoing wars in Lybia, Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan and the migration waves to Europe as a result from all this it also paved the way for a literary embodiment of 9/11 as a literary element which has found a fixed place within migrant writing in the widest sense and Muslim writing in particular.The fact that writers from East (and West) incorporated this key date into their novels threw light on the fact that 9/11 did not only function as a global, national, collective, religious or individual trauma it also showed its widespread application for plot, character, constellations, speech and reception of many authors. The introduction and employment of 9/11 into contemporary literature slowly but steadily showed its ongoing importance for contemporary writing.In 2007 the newspaper USA Today declared on a headline that 'Novels about 9/11 can't stack up to non -fiction' thus throwing light at the multiple use of it as a narrative element. In 2015 an editor for The New York Times Book Review suited that the necessity for a 9/11 novel goes on because it reflects 'a new age of terror'.The fact that 9/11 is a widely used element of Muslim writing shows that it is this group of contemporary novelists who are aware of its manifold use for literature.Literature is, however, always a reflection of social, political and religious conditions and it is exactly this link which is of special interest here.The author of this text therefore first of all gives a general introduction into 9/11 before he tries to reflect in with Muslim writing and the post-9/11 novel thus throwing light on the close link between both sides and the literary conequences resulting from this. This will be done with the help of Mohsin Hamid's novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2007) which has by now been accepted as a masterpiece of this new genre.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Theologie - Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Radikalisierung muslimischer Frauen als logische Entwicklung eines fundamentalistisch gelebten Islams sowie die Möglichkeit einer Emanzipation genau aus diesem Umfeld erscheint zunächst als Anachronismus, spiegelt aber die Gesamtbreite des islamischen Radikalismus wider, der genau diese Möglichkeit beinhaltet.Die Thematik und ihre Spannbreite beinhalten ebenfalls die negative Darstellung von Muslimen durch den Westen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, die durch eine stereotype Darstellung der islamischen Frau, des radikalen Islams und des islamischen Terrorismus charakterisiert wurde, eine Grundtendenz, die seit den Anschlägen des 11. September 2001 einen neuen Schub erlebte. Diese polarisierte und mit Vorurteilen behaftete Darstellung allen Islamischen stützte den historisch etablierten Ansatz des Westens den Islam pauschal als anders, primitiv, militant und frauenfeindlich darzustellen.Diese Vorgehensweise scheint sich fortzusetzen und erfährt durch die permanenten militärischen Konflikte in der arabischen Welt sowie den Anschlägen in Westeuropa neue Energie, vergisst aber dabei die Vielfalt und Komplexität muslimischer Existenz und deren positive Energie für alle Bereiche des Lebens.Es ist Aufgabe dieser Analyse, einen Einblick in die Pluralität der islamischen Frau im Alltag und im Extremismus zu geben, um so die Optionen einer Emanzipation oder Radikalisierung begründen zu können.In einem ersten Schritt erfolgt zunächst eine Analyse des modernen Fundamentalismus, der einen Einblick in das Umfeld radikaler Frauen geben soll. Dieser wird komplettiert durch eine Reflektion der klassischen Rolle der Frau im Islam, um so einen theologischen Gegenpol zu schaffen. Danach erfolgt die Möglichkeit einer Emanzipation der radikalisierten Muslimin mit einem kritischen Ausblick auf die Gesamtthematik.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Anthology from the year 2013 in the subject American Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, , language: English, abstract: Canada has only recently become a topic of literary interest in modern grammar schools in Hessen. It was thus logical that schools, teachers and students were confronted with a fairly unknown topic that belongs to what is referred too as English-speaking literature. Canadian literature is, strictly speaking, part of what is commonly considered to be 'Literature of the Colonies', a term that sums up literature from Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.Canada in this respect still holds a key position for European readers simply because of its historic links to England and France and its deep roots in native elements, all of which seem to have enriched its historical, cultural and literary variety. All three influences have contributed to the key term of present Canadian literature which seems to focus on the concept of survival and its manifold presentations in past and present day Canadian writing.It is thus not astonishing to spot this notion of survival in all types of writing, and detective stories, in general, also do not seem to be an exception. It is therefore natural for the reader to trace and find this notion in Louise Penny's novels, too.Louise Penny herself is considered to be one, if not the most outstanding contemporary Canadian representative of this type of writing, and it was simply a question of time when she came into the focus of public attention. Books like Still Life (2005), Dead Cold (2006), The Cruellest Month (2007), The Murder Stone (2008), The Brutal Telling (2009), Bury Your Dead (2010), A Trick of the Light (2011) soon gained her the reputation of a fine writer.Most of her novels, however, include another aspect central for modern language learning in the socalled Oberstufe.The talk here is about what is generally called 'Intercultural Teaching and Learning' because the critical reader working here gains a lot of historical, cultural and social insight into Canada and the Canadian soul. It is at this crossroad where Penny steps in. With the elegance of a Shakespearian pen of the 21st century she presents various characters and thus teachers and students alike can learn a lot about the different dimensions - individual and collective - of the Canadian psyche. This results in knowledge, feeling and respect for Canada and Canadian mentality which are conveyed in a convincing and authentic way.

  • Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2015 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, Comenius University in Bratislava, language: English, abstract: The key position of Muslim writers in the contemporary English speaking novel is undoubted.Muslim writing itself is a logical consequence of postcolonial writing which has been marked by Carribean, African and Muslim authors at the same time.Whereas Carribean writers focus on concepts such as nation or nationalism,.Black writers seem to reflect a notion which is widely understood by 'cultural memory'.Muslim writing on its behalf centers on the catchphrase 'identity' since it considers Islam as a perfect identity marker for the novel.This (Muslim) 'otherness' is rooted in a religion which hasfor too long been looked upon from Said's concept of 'otherness' which is based on Foucault's notion of 'power and knowledge'. lt is here where the dualistic concept of Eastand West is constructed which sees both sides as antagonistic also in this background where author and reader finally have to discuss this Muslim 'otherness' apart from their is therefore this (religious) 'otherness' based on religion which makes it extremely difficult for Western readers to fully understand Muslim characters. This is due to the fact that Islam is not only a religious idea of the world, it is also a total concept of Muslim existence since it covers all spheres of Muslim existence, the religious, the social, the legal and the political. The intention of this essay therefore is to give a short survey of Muslim writing over the last 30 years. The aim is to shortly reflect the incorporation of Islam into the novel , a development which has been marked by Nünning/Nünning with the term 'cross-fertilization' thus refering to the close link between narration and religion.The focus of the chosen novels hoowever lies on 'identity', a term marked by the concept of modern man being a migrant or a nomad, thus also reflecting the consequences of migration waves and the phenomenon of globalization.The paper starts with a sociological and religious background before it shortly deals with 'The Satanic Verses', 'The Black Album', 'Brick Lane', 'The Reluctant Fundamentalist' and'Guantanamo Boy'.The aim ist o give a short survey oft he question of Muslim identity during the last 30 years.

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    Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Scientific Essay from the year 2015 in the subject Literature - Asia, Comenius University in Bratislava, language: English, abstract: This book is an introduction into (female) 'Pakistani Fiction'. It starts with some sort of background information on the catchphrase 'Pakistani Fiction' in order to place the female aspect into its literary background. A second step lies in a description of the position of this literary concept within 'Postcolonial Writing' which is marked and shaped by so many different cultural and religious elements.The short analysis of two selected novels, Ice Candy Man (1991) by Bapsi Sidhwa and Brick Lane (2003) by Monica Ali should help to show how female Pakistani writers deal with female matters. This literary reflection will be supported by three parameters which can be found in many novels dealing with this subject. The talk is about gender, diaspora and globalization all of which are used to portray female characters.The end will consist of some sort of outlook where 'Pakistani Fiction' stands at the moment and where its trends might go to.