Verlag: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Better World Books, Mishawaka, IN, USA
Zustand: Good. 1st. Used book that is in clean, average condition without any missing pages.
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Verlag: Frankfurt (am Main) : S. Fischer Verlag, 1975
ISBN 10: 3100314026 ISBN 13: 9783100314024
Sprache: Deutsch
Anbieter: BOUQUINIST, München, BY, Deutschland
Zustand: Gut. Deutsche Erstausgabe. 488 (4) Seiten. 22 cm. Umschlagentwurf: Hannes Jähn. Guter Zustand. Folienkaschierung des Schutzumschlags gering gelöst. »In Deutschland hat Slocum einen armen Verwandten namens Anselm Kristlein. Genau wie dereinst Martin Walser führt Heller uns eine Folge von erbarmungslosen Zimmerschlachten vor; dort wie hier ist der Held ein Experte des Familienkrachs und ein Artist der Bürointrige.« Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Der Spiegel »Angesichts dieses Buches.erübrigt sich jede Diskussion über "Realismus in der Literatur". Sein Wirklichkeitsgehalt ist überwältigend.« Robert von Berg, Süddeutsche Zeitung. - Joseph Heller (* 1. Mai 1923 in New York; 12. Dezember 1999 in East Hampton) war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Leben und Werk: Heller wurde auf Coney Island im New Yorker Stadtteil Brooklyn als Sohn armer russisch-jüdischer Immigranten geboren. Mit 19 Jahren trat Heller in die United States Army Air Force ein. Zwischen Mai und Dezember 1944 war er auf der Insel Korsika stationiert. Dort flog er 60 Einsätze als Bombenschütze. Seine Kriegserlebnisse wurden zur Grundlage für seinen ersten und berühmtesten Roman Catch-22. Nach einem Anglistikstudium, das er 1949 abschloß, erhielt er an der Pennsylvania State University einen Lehrauftrag. 1952 arbeitete Heller zunächst für das Medienunternehmen Time Inc., bald als Werbetexter für eine kleine Medienagentur, bei der auch die spätere Kriminalautorin Mary Higgins Clark arbeitete. Während dieser Zeit schrieb Heller bereits: Seine erste Kurzgeschichte wurde 1948 im Atlantic veröffentlicht. 1945 heiratete er Shirley Held, mit der er zwei Kinder hatte. Hellers Debütroman Catch-22 erschien 1961. An dem satirischen Antikriegsroman hatte Heller in unregelmäßigen Abständen seit 1953 gearbeitet. Der Roman erzählt vom Air Force Captain John Yossarian, der vergeblich versucht jedem Kampfeinsatz aus dem Weg zu gehen und aus dem Militär entlassen zu werden. Hellers Ablehnung und Kritik von Institutionen, Regierung und Militär werden in dem Roman deutlich. Hellers zweiter Roman Was geschah mit Slocum (engl.: Something Happened) aus dem Jahr 1974 ist eine Satire auf das US-amerikanische Kleinfamilienleben, in Weiß Gott (God Knows) von 1984 beschäftigt sich Heller mit dem Leben von König David und in seinem Roman Closing Time beschreibt er das weitere Leben einiger Charaktere aus Catch-22 im New York der Neunzigerjahre. Neben seiner Arbeit als Schriftsteller, verfolgte Heller eine akademische Karriere und lehrte als Dozent für kreatives Schreiben in Yale und an der University of Pennsylvania. 1981 ließ sich Heller von seiner Frau scheiden. Noch im selben Jahr erkrankte er am Guillain-Barré-Syndrom, eine neurologisches Krankheit, durch die er zeitweise gelähmt war. Er verarbeitete diese schwere Erkrankung und seine langjährige Rehabilitation 1986 in dem autobioraphischen Werk No Laughing Matter, das er gemeinsam mit seinem Freund Speed Vogel schrieb. 1987 heiratete Heller Valerie Humphries, eine der Krankenschwestern, die ihn bei seiner Genesung beistand. 1998 veröffentlichte Heller seine Memoiren Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here. Joseph Heller verstarb 1999 an einem Herzinfarkt, kurz nachdem er die Arbeit an seinem letzten Roman, dem autobioraphisch gefärbten Roman Portrait of an Artist as an Old Man beendet hatte. . . Aus: wikipedia-Joseph_Heller. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 829 Graues Leinen mit Schutzumschlag.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First edition. Fine in very good dust jacket. Dustwrapper rubbed. Please Note: This book has been transferred to Between the Covers from another database and might not be described to our usual standards. Please inquire for more detailed condition information.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First edition. Very good or better in a Very good plus dust jacket. Pages are frayed, book has pink trim on the top. Please Note: This book has been transferred to Between the Covers from another database and might not be described to our usual standards. Please inquire for more detailed condition information.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First edition. Very good in very good dust jacket. Covers lightly rubbed; dust jacket lightly rubbed at spine ends, corners. Please Note: This book has been transferred to Between the Covers from another database and might not be described to our usual standards. Please inquire for more detailed condition information.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. First edition. Very good first edition hardcover with similar dust jacket, both are a very nice clean copy, almost new. Please Note: This book has been transferred to Between the Covers from another database and might not be described to our usual standards. Please inquire for more detailed condition information.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Good. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Good. First edition. Good in good dust jacket. Hardcover and dust jacket have bumped corners and spine, text edges are smudged, the dust jacket is creased inside flaps and at spine and corners. Please Note: This book has been transferred to Between the Covers from another database and might not be described to our usual standards. Please inquire for more detailed condition information.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Jeff Hirsch Books, ABAA, Wadsworth, IL, USA
First edition and first printing. Hardcover. 569 pages. The third book from the author of "Catch 22." A well received novel that was a finalist for the National Book Award. A fine copy in black cloth boards and in near fine dust jacket with a crease to the front flap and some other very minute wear. A very nice copy.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First edition. A tad musty but still very good in a very good dust jacket with toning and soiling.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Near Fine. First edition. Near fine in near fine dust jacket. Hardcover has small price sticker on front.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First edition. About Very good in very good dust jacket; Shaken binding, slight fading of edges/ends, bumping of corners/ends, dust jacket rubbing, light soiling of front panel/spine. Please Note: This book has been transferred to Between the Covers from another database and might not be described to our usual standards. Please inquire for more detailed condition information.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Good. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Good. First edition. Good in good dust jacket. Remainder mark. Pages clean. Edges of black cloth cover starting to fade. Edges of spine bumped. Dustwrapper shelf rubbed. Small tears on top edge of dust jacket spine. Solid book. Please Note: This book has been transferred to Between the Covers from another database and might not be described to our usual standards. Please inquire for more detailed condition information.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Near Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Near Fine. First edition. Near fine in dust jacket.
Verlag: Jonathan Cape, London, 1974
ISBN 10: 0224010654 ISBN 13: 9780224010658
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First UK edition. Fine in a very good dust jacket with general wear.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Complete Traveller Antiquarian Bookstore, Westport, CT, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good+. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good+. Stated first edition with the $ 10 price on DJ ; 8vo; 569 pages.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Near Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First edition. Light foxing on page edges, else fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket with very light edgewear, and a small faint abrasion on the rear panel.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Near Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First edition. Near fine with bump to spine in very good dustwrapper with rubbing, a little soiling, and edgewear.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Complete Traveller Antiquarian Bookstore, Westport, CT, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good+. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. Slight wear to DJ and with DJ spine a bit sunned ; Stated first edition with the $ 10 price on DJ ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 569 pages.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Complete Traveller Antiquarian Bookstore, Westport, CT, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good+. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. Slight wear to DJ and with DJ spine a bit sunned ; Stated first edition with the $ 10 price on DJ ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 569 pages.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good. First edition. Very good or better in a Very good plus dustwrapper. Former owner's name on front free endpaper, minor rubs on corners and edges, rubs on dustwrapper corners and edges. Please Note: This book has been transferred to Between the Covers from another database and might not be described to our usual standards. Please inquire for more detailed condition information.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Complete Traveller Antiquarian Bookstore, Westport, CT, USA
Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good+. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good+. Stated first edition with the $ 10 price on DJ ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 569 pages.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Books Tell You Why - ABAA/ILAB, Summerville, SC, USA
Cloth. Zustand: Very Good+. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Near Fine. First Edition; First Printing. A Very Good+ first printing of the first edition with sunning to the edges of the aged boards in a somewhat soiled Near Fine dust-jacket; In Something Happened, Heller tells the story of a day in the life of a married couple. The husband, John, is an insurance salesman, and the wife, Jane, is a stay-at-home mom. The couple is going through a rough patch, and John is trying to come up with a new sales strategy. The day is typical, but everything changes when Jane has a baby.; 8vo; 569 pages; MR.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
ISBN 10: 0394465687 ISBN 13: 9780394465685
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Books Tell You Why - ABAA/ILAB, Summerville, SC, USA
Cloth. Zustand: Near Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good+. First Edition; First Printing. First edition/first printing, in Near Fine condition with light sunning to board edges in spine faded, Very Good+ dust-jacket with minor shelf wear. From the collection of Betty Anderson, legendary art director of publisher Knopf in the late 20th century as evidenced by her (small and unobtrusive) inventory number and signature on front paste down; Author's third book and second novel; 8vo.
Verlag: Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Argosy Book Store, ABAA, ILAB, New York, NY, USA
Erstausgabe Signiert
hardcover. Zustand: fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: fine. First. 569 pages, 8vo, black cloth, d.w. New York: Knopf, 1974. First edition. Fine. Signed in full on the free endpaper.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Books Tell You Why - ABAA/ILAB, Summerville, SC, USA
Cloth. Zustand: Near Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Near Fine. First Edition; First Printing. Small crease to inner flap of jacket, otherwise Near Fine; Author's third book and second novel; 8vo; $8.00.
Anbieter: Vagabond Books, A.B.A.A., PASADENA, CA, USA
Erstausgabe Signiert
Hardcover. Zustand: Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Fine. First Edition. Inscribed by Author(s).
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Jeff Hirsch Books, ABAA, Wadsworth, IL, USA
First edition. Softcover. Uncorrected proof. The third book from the author of "Catch 22." A well received novel that was a finalist for the National Book Award. A tight very near fine copy in yellow printed wrappers. A very fresh and clean copy.
Verlag: Jonathan Cape 1974-1984, London, 1974
Anbieter: Rooke Books PBFA, Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich
Verbandsmitglied: PBFA
Cloth. Zustand: Near Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Near Fine. None (illustrator). First edition. An excellent set of three first UK edition novels from author of 'Catch-22' Joseph Heller, with the bright unclipped dust wrappers. The first UK editions of these works.With the publisher's original unclipped dust wrappers.Joseph Heller was an American author of novels, short stories, plays and screenplays, best-known for his 1961 novel 'Catch-22', a satire on war and bureaucracy.This set comprises the three novels that followed this work:'Something Happened' (1974) - Published thirteen years after 'Catch-22', this novel follows protagonist Bob Slocum, a businessman whose stream of consciousness we follow, with narratives concerning his job, his family, childhood and sexual escapades.'Good as Gold' (1979) - An unhappily married middle-aged English professor is offered a job as the first-ever Jewish Secretary of State after favourably reviewing a book by the U.S. president.'God Knows' (1984) - This tragicomedic novel is narrated by the Biblical King David of Israel, recounting his life in a fractured fashion. Some argue that this work can be read as Heller's own exploration of his mortality, and an exploration of the Jewish view of family, life, death, etc. In the original cloth bindings. With the original unclipped dust wrappers. Externally, excellent, with minor shelf wear only. Dust wrappers are very, with minor edge wear. Creases to the wrap of 'God Knows'. Internally, firmly bound with bright and clean pages. Near Fine. book.
Verlag: New York Knopf, 1974
Anbieter: Shapero Rare Books, London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Erstausgabe Signiert
First edition, third printing; presentation copy inscribed by the author; 8vo; publisher's black cloth, titles to spine gilt, red topstain, with the dust jacket; slightly shaken but a near-fine copy in the lightly frayed dust jacket somewhat faded at the spine. A fine literary association copy with the author's signed presentation inscription to the front free endpaper, 'To Clive Sinclair With sincere good wishes to you. Joseph Heller 10/24/84 London'. Sinclair was a novelist and sometime lecturer.
Verlag: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974
Anbieter: Raptis Rare Books, Palm Beach, FL, USA
Erstausgabe Signiert
First edition of this classic work by the author of Catch-22. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Ted Solotaroff, With good wishes (It may read better in print than it did in manuscript.) Joseph Heller." The recipient, Ted Solotaroff was an editor and literary critic. Solotaroff attended the University of Michigan, graduating in 1952, and did graduate work at the University of Chicago, where he became friends with Philip Roth and dedicated himself to literature. He was an editor at Commentary from 1960 to 1966, then in 1967 founded The New American Review, which was an influential literary journal in paperback, not magazine, format for the decade of its existence. After it folded, he became an editor at Harper & Row, where he edited works by Russell Banks, Sue Miller, Robert Bly, Bobbie Ann Mason, and others. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Paul Bacon. An exceptional association. Bob Slocum was living the American dream. He had a beautiful wife, three lovely children, a nice house.and all the mistresses he desired. He had it all -- all, that is, but happiness. Slocum was discontent. Inevitably, inexorably, his discontent deteriorated into desolation until.something happened. Something Happened is Joseph Heller's wonderfully inventive and controversial second novel satirizing business life and American culture. The story is told as if the reader was overhearing the patter of Bob Slocum's brain -- recording what is going on at the office, as well as his fantasies and memories that complete the story of his life. The result is a novel as original and memorable as his Catch-22.