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  • Hardcover. Later half calf. 8vo. 88; 116; 64; 80; 72; 64; 48; 24; 40 pages. 22 cm. First edition. A collection of Joanna Southcott's last writings. Nine volumes, from the same printer, same writer (s) , bound together, including: "The book of wonders, marvellous and true" 1813; "The second book of wonders, more marvellous than the first", 1813; "The third book of wonders, announcing the coming of Shiloh: with a call to the Hebrews, from Isaiah xi, âAnd there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. ' Revelation xxii. 16, 17, âI am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. ' Here is the call to the Jews, to answer, how they will expect the branch, without the root, whom they cut off, and set at nought" 1814; "The fourth book of wonders: being the answer of the Lord to the Hebrews", 1814; "The fifth book of wonders: announcing the event having taken place, which was promised in the fourth book should be in May: with a further explanation of the four former books ; also an answer to the address of the Rev. James Hearn, Curate of Brixham, Devon; and to the mockery of others", 1814; and four pamphlets: "Copies of letters sent to the clergy of Exeter, from 1796 to 1800, with communications and prophecies put in the newspapers in 1813"; "Wisdom excelleth the weapons of war: and herein is shewn that judgments are the strange works of the Lord, but mercy His darling attribute", 1814; "A communication sent in a letter to the Reverend Mr. P. In 1797, with an explanation thereon now given", 1814; "Prophecies announcing the birth of the Prince of Peace", 1814. All publications "Printed by W. Marchant, Ingram Court", and end on this note "The above taken from Joanna Southcott's mouth, by me, Ann Underwood. " Nine publications by Joanna Southcott (1750-1814) , prophet and writer, who started the Southcottian movement with her phrophecies, gaining many adherents from Richard Brothers after his arrest: "One of the most significant of her London converts was Jane Townley, who not only invited Southcott, in April 1804, to become part of her household, but also did all she could to promote Southcott's writings and cause, including providing her maidservant, Ann Underwood, to act as Southcott's accomplished and devoted amanuensis. With the steadfast assistance of Foley, Sharp, and others, the three women became the nerve centre for the Southcottian movement, which generated an astonishing degree of interest, correspondence, and debate regarding Southcott's prophetic claims. Between 1801 and 1814, Southcott published some sixty-five pamphlets, totalling almost 5000 pages; moreover, her unpublished manuscripts amount to twice the number of pages in print. By one conservative estimate, a total of 108, 000 copies of her various works were published and circulated from 1801 to 1816, making her one of the most popular writers of her time (Hopkins, 84) . One reason for the immediate appeal of her texts is their unique mix of apocalyptic optimism with down-to-earth narratives about everyday life, which she converts to spiritual account. . In 1814 Southcott carried the claim to a new level when she announced that she was about to become the mother of Shiloh, the name given to the expected divine incarnation. The revelation was made explicit in The Third Book of Wonders, Announcing the Coming of Shiloh (1814) , and Prophecies Announcing the Birth of the Prince of Peace (1814) , which collected extractions from earlier writings that seemed to anticipate this new revelation. . After Southcott's death the movement splintered and prophets of Shiloh proliferated, among which John Ward's Shilohites and John Wroe's Christian Israelites were the most prominent. A core of her inner circle kept the faith quietly, remaining loyal to Southcott's work, as signified by their protection of the âgreat box', which contained the sealed prophecies that were to be opened some time in the unspecified future by the bishops. " (Oxford National Biography, 2004) . Bound in half calf with marbled boards, with gilt title on spine. Subjects: Prophecies. Southcott Movement - Prior to 1815. OCLC lists less than 23 copies per each of these publications included in this bound collection. Light wear to leather. Light foxing and light soiling to a few pages throughout, overall, fresh and clean. Very good + condition. (KH-1-46).