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  • First Edition. No place or publisher given. 17,5cm, 142 pp.; contemporary binding. FIRST EDITION. A mystical philosophy written in form of a series of letters addressed to future adepts. They are 'brothers', members of an invisible church, which will exist from the first day of creation till the last day. Author borrows some notions from Kant, but basically he is a follower of Jacob Böhme and the Cabbala. This is the last work which was published in his lifetime. His most central categories are: the 'innere Kirche' and the 'Lichtgemeinde Gottes'. He preaches an elavated Christian faith, in which the faith goes through the following three degrees: historical, moral and divine faith (historischer, moralischer und göttlicher Glaube). By this he is following the usual epistomological scheme of the Zohar and other Cabbalists and mystics.Great emphasis is given - like in the Lurianic Cabbala and in Böhme's philosophy - to the concept of REGENERATION (Tikkun) :'Die wahre königliche und priesterliche Wissenschaft ist die Wissenschaft der Regeneration - oder Wiederverbindung des gefallenen Menschen mit Gott.' Through these mystical endevours there will be established a new and better world: The Heaven on Earth. (Der Himmel auf Erden, oder Christus in den Herzen der Menschen.) The book ends with a hymn hallowing this new epoch:' Ach! was seh ich, welche Freude! Die mein Herz noch nie empfand, Christ und Jud, und Türk und Heyde Wandeln dort schon Hand in Hand.' The book had been translated into English, and during the decades had various translations. In a modern publication (1979) by the Rosencrutians are these six letters considered as his most important work. In 1948 an von Rijckenborgh wrote in his preface to the second Dutch translation, it is the language of the modern Rosencrucism.The first edition is extremely rare, NUC locates three copies only.Not in the BMC.