Anbieter: medimops, Berlin, Deutschland
Zustand: good. Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Anbieter: AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Deutschland
Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - This book proposes a new departure point for the investigation of transnational literary alliances: the traumatic constellation of translatio imperii, which followed the dissolution of the East-Central European empires in the 1920s and the crumbling of the West European colonial empires in the 1950s. To prevent their breakdown, the former transitioned from a 'sovereign' to a 'disciplinary' mode of administration of their peripheries, the latter from the merciless assimilation of their colonial constituencies to their affirmative regeneration. This book treats Franz Kafka as the writer of the first transition, prefiguring J. M. Coetzee as the writer of the second. In a series of close readings, it investigates the particular ways in which the restructuring of power relations between the agencies in their fictions is a response to the delineated post-imperial reconfiguration of the new countries' governmental techniques. By displacing their narrative authority beyond the reach of their readers, they laid bare the sudden withdrawal of transcendental guarantees from the world of human commonality. This entailed an unstable and elusive configuration of their fictional worlds as a key feature of post-imperial literature.
Anbieter: SKULIMA Wiss. Versandbuchhandlung, Westhofen, Deutschland
Zustand: Wie Neu. Hrsg. von Aage A. Hansen-Löve, Tilmann Reuther und Vladimir Biti. Elf Beiträge, davon fünf in russischer und je drei in deutscher und englischer Sprache. 292 Seiten mit einigen Abb., Tab. und einem vierseitigen Notenbeispiel, broschiert (Wiener Slawistischer Almanach; Band 78/Biblion Verlag 2016). Früher EUR 35,95. Gewicht: 403 g - Softcover/Taschenbuch - Sprachen: Deutsch, Russisch, Englisch.
Verlag: De Gruyter 2016, 2016
Anbieter: Antiquariat Groening, Berlin, Deutschland
1. A. Neuwertig Buch Geb Culture & Conflict, 7 , Anz. Bände: 1 , Seiten: 394.
Anbieter: AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Deutschland
Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Focused on the recently hotly debated topic at the crossroads of various human and social sciences, this book investigates the emergence of the cosmopolitan idea of literature and its impact on the reconfiguration of the European and non-European political spaces. The birthplace of this idea is its designers' traumatic experience as induced by the disconcerting condition of their abode.The thesis is that the eighteenth and nineteenth century's cosmopolitan projects that grow out of such deep frustrations trace the twentieth century's global democracy. This hidden origin of cosmopolitan projects dismantles the usual European representation of modernization as universal progress as myopic. Rather than being a generous action of prominent subjects such as Voltaire, Kant, and Goethe, or Bakhtin, Derrida and Deleuze, cosmopolitanism is an enforced reaction of the instances dispossessed by injury that search for the ways of healing it. Yet as soon as their remedy establishes itself as the ground for universal reconciliation, it risks suppressing other's trauma, i.e. turns from politics into a police. Articulating the author's position in the recent debates on the structure of democracy, the epilogue suggests an alternative strategy.
Zustand: New. Vladimir Biti, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.This book proposes a new departure point for the investigation of transnational literary alliances: the traumatic constellation of translatio imperii, which followed the dissolution o.
Anbieter: Antiquariat Sander, Dresden, Deutschland
255 S. Gutes, sauberes Exemplar einer wissenschaftlichen Forschungsbibliothek, mit deren Stempel. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 650 OKart. (kl. Klebezettel). - (Heidelberger Publikationen zur Slavistik B 4).
Anbieter: Buchpark, Trebbin, Deutschland
Zustand: Sehr gut. Zustand: Sehr gut - Gepflegter, sauberer Zustand.2021. Außen: Buchschnitt verkürzt. | Seiten: 276 | Sprache: Englisch | Produktart: Bücher.
Anbieter: AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Deutschland
Buch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Focused on the recently hotly debated topic at the crossroads of various human and social sciences, this book investigates the emergence of the cosmopolitan idea of literature and its impact on the reconfiguration of the European and non-European political spaces. The birthplace of this idea is its designers' traumatic experience as induced by the disconcerting condition of their abode.The thesis is that the eighteenth and nineteenth century's cosmopolitan projects that grow out of such deep frustrations trace the twentieth century's global democracy. This hidden origin of cosmopolitan projects dismantles the usual European representation of modernization as universal progress as myopic. Rather than being a generous action of prominent subjects such as Voltaire, Kant, and Goethe, or Bakhtin, Derrida and Deleuze, cosmopolitanism is an enforced reaction of the instances dispossessed by injury that search for the ways of healing it. Yet as soon as their remedy establishes itself as the ground for universal reconciliation, it risks suppressing other's trauma, i.e. turns from politics into a police. Articulating the author's position in the recent debates on the structure of democracy, the epilogue suggests an alternative strategy.
Anbieter: AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Deutschland
Buch. Zustand: Neu. Neuware - This book proposes a new departure point for the investigation of transnational literary alliances: the traumatic constellation of translatio imperii, which followed the dissolution of the East-Central European empires in the 1920s and the crumbling of the West European colonial empires in the 1950s. To prevent their breakdown, the former transitioned from a 'sovereign' to a 'disciplinary' mode of administration of their peripheries, the latter from the merciless assimilation of their colonial constituencies to their affirmative regeneration. This book treats Franz Kafka as the writer of the first transition, prefiguring J. M. Coetzee as the writer of the second. In a series of close readings, it investigates the particular ways in which the restructuring of power relations between the agencies in their fictions is a response to the delineated post-imperial reconfiguration of the new countries' governmental techniques. By displacing their narrative authority beyond the reach of their readers, they laid bare the sudden withdrawal of transcendental guarantees from the world of human commonality. This entailed an unstable and elusive configuration of their fictional worlds as a key feature of post-imperial literature.
Gebunden. Zustand: New. Culture and conflict inevitably go hand in hand. The very idea of culture is marked by the notion of difference and by the creative, fraught interaction between conflicting concepts and values. The same can be said of all key ideas in the study of cultu.
Taschenbuch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Die seit 1978 zweimal jährlich erscheinende Zeitschrift Wiener Slavistischer Almanach (WSA) bringt seit 1978 in bisher 78 Bänden literaturwissenschaftliche wie linguistische Beiträge aus allen Bereichen der Slavistik. Gegründet und bis heute herausgegeben und redigiert von Aage Hansen-Löve (Literaturwissenschaft) und Tilmann Reuther (Sprachwissenschaft). Die nicht selten auch umfangreicheren Beiträge auf Russisch, Deutsch, Englisch gruppieren sich in der Regel um Schwerpunktthemen und repräsentieren ein breites Spektrum aktueller literatur- und sprachwisenschaftlicher Diskussionen, die über die traditionellen philologischen Fachgrenzen hinausweisen. Neben analytischen Beiträgen von etablierten wie jungen Autoren bietet der WSA auch unedierte literarische Texte und Archivmaterialien.
Hardcover. 251 S. Ehem. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Bib.-Signatur und Stempel. Guter Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren. Ex-library with stamp and library-signature. Good condition, some traces of use. 9783631597866 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 550.
Buch. Zustand: Neu. Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - Die innerhalb der südslawischen Literaturtheorie geführte wissenschaftliche Diskussion wurde viele Jahre hindurch von der Ansicht dominiert, dass das Märchen eine 'einfache' Erzählform sei, die nahezu ausschließlich in der Volks- und Kinderliteratur beheimatet ist. Im Gegensatz zu einem derartigen Verständnis betrachten die Autoren dieses Bandes das Märchen als einen facettenreichen Diskurs sowohl der mündlichen als auch schriftlichen Literatur, der sich in jeder historischen Etappe wie auch in jeder Nationalliteratur auf unterschiedliche Weise konstituiert.