A Design For Aperture Coupled Planar Array Using Microwave Technology

N. S. Murti Sarma

Verlag: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017
ISBN 10: 3659647780 / ISBN 13: 9783659647789
Neu / Taschenbuch / Anzahl: 1
Verkäufer AHA-BUCH GmbH (Einbeck, Deutschland)
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nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - This monograph describes the performance of the Aperture Coupled Microstrip Planar Array in C-band. The basic concept of aperture coupling is to achieve the wide frequency bandwidth & low back radiation. The enhancement of the bandwidth in the present case is achieved by coupling to the microstrip antenna on one substrate from the microstrip line feed on another parallel substrate through an aperture in the ground plane, which separates the two substrates. A design procedure for aperture coupled microstrip antennas based on transmission line model is presented. The novel coaxial to microstrip line transition is devised and implemented to feed the aperture coupled microstrip antenna elements in planar array to achieve the wide impedance and pattern bandwidth. The experimental results of Return loss plot & Radiation pattern for aperture coupled microstrip planar array antenna are presented. This work is enhanced with topics such as literature survey, findings etc. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 9783659647789

Über diesen Titel:

Reseña del editor: This monograph describes the performance of the Aperture Coupled Microstrip Planar Array in C-band. The basic concept of aperture coupling is to achieve the wide frequency bandwidth & low back radiation. The enhancement of the bandwidth in the present case is achieved by coupling to the microstrip antenna on one substrate from the microstrip line feed on another parallel substrate through an aperture in the ground plane, which separates the two substrates. A design procedure for aperture coupled microstrip antennas based on transmission line model is presented. The novel coaxial to microstrip line transition is devised and implemented to feed the aperture coupled microstrip antenna elements in planar array to achieve the wide impedance and pattern bandwidth. The experimental results of Return loss plot & Radiation pattern for aperture coupled microstrip planar array antenna are presented. This work is enhanced with topics such as literature survey, findings etc.

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: A Design For Aperture Coupled Planar Array ...
Verlag: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Einband: Taschenbuch
Zustand: Neu

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